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Research Project: Classification of Fiber and Hurd in Industrial Hemp: Integrating Biomechanical and Microscopic Phenotyping

Location: Cotton Ginning Research

Project Number: 6066-41440-009-022-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 27, 2024
End Date: Sep 30, 2025

The overall objective of this project is to develop a fiber and hurd quality classification and phenotyping system in industrial hemp using biomechanical and microscopic techniques, a system that will facilitate enabling the industry to assign economic value based on the intended use and the suitability of the quality for those uses. 1. Establish and enhance capacity, infrastructure and education resources for evaluation and characterization of industrial hemp fiber and hurd quality. 2. Compile, develop, and apply protocols to phenotype fiber and hurd quality in industrial hemp with a focus on biomechanical and microscopic characteristics. 3. Evaluate genetic, environmental and management (G x E x M) factors and post-harvest processes influencing fiber and hurd quality.

To accomplish Objective 1 the Cooperator will build upon multiple ongoing hemp projects at the Cooperator's institution. Objective 1 will also utilize in-house universal testing machines (UTM) and scanning electron microsopes (SEM) to characterize both fiber and hurd samples. The Cooperator intends to develop coursework modules and student-led research projects, in conjunction with ARS and other partners, to enhance education and outreach about industrial hemp materials. Objective 2 will be broken into several components, beginning with compiling a literature search for the meta-analysis of fiber and hurd quality phenotyping and classification system in crops, with a focus on biomechanical and microscopic characteristics. The Cooperator will focus on cotton and linen crops for fiber phenotyping and classification. Hurd classification will refer to flax, jute, kenaf and other bast crops. The Cooperator will identify key biomechanical and microscopic parameters that are essential for assessing the suitability of hemp fibers and hurd for various industrial applications. Fibers will be sorted by size and testing on the UTM for biomechanical properties such as tensile strength, compression, torsion and flexibility. These same fibers will be examined using SEM. Standardized methods utilizing and adapting existing testing equipment to measure these parameters and establishing protocols for consistent sample preparation and testing conditions will be compiled. Hurd will be graded and screened by size based on a hypothetical correlation with end-use. Hurd samples will be characterized in a similar manner to the fiber samples. The fraction of various components of each sample will be assessed and measurements will be examined for corrleation between length and fineness. Data will be examined for a cost-effective proxy indicator that will allow rapid and high-throughput phenotyping. Objective 3 will have the Cooperator evaluate genetic, environmental and management (G x E x M) factors and post-harvest processes (comparison of various retting methods) influencing fiber and hurd quality in different hemp cultivars grown in multiple environments. This work will leverage multiple field trials with various G x E x M factors to assess the impact of environmental conditions on fiber and hurd quality.