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ARS Home » Plains Area » El Reno, Oklahoma » Oklahoma and Central Plains Agricultural Research Center » Agroclimate and Hydraulics Research Unit » Research » Research Project #447143

Research Project: Water Quality and Hydrology Research on Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources

Location: Agroclimate and Hydraulics Research Unit

Project Number: 3070-13000-015-051-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2025

The objectives of this project are to 1) collaborate on the experimental design, 2) calibrate and install water quality instrumentation and equipment, 3) gather and process samples for data collection, 4) conduct data analysis and modeling as it relates to the water quality data (N, P, and sediment), and 5) co-publish journal manuscripts and co-present data at national or international scientific conferences.

The approach taken for this project is to 1) collaborate with USDA-ARS scientists on the experimental design through virtual or on-site meetings, 2) calibrate and assist with installing water quality instrumentation and equipment, 3) conducting data analysis with models like APEX, SWAT+, MIKE-SHE, or other appropriate modeling tool, and 4) co-author refereed journal manuscripts and presentations for national and international scientific conferences.