Location: Biological Control of Insects Research
Project Number: 5070-22000-038-014-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Oct 1, 2024
End Date: Sep 30, 2025
Develop phytosanitary tools to control insect and microbiological pests that have potential to impact the trade and marketing of fresh California citrus.
A cooperative effort between ARS and cooperators will address phytosanitary objectives using established insect colonies and established procedures at the ARS research station in California. Three subject areas will be evaluated: 1) ethyl formate fumigation of bulk citrus for bean thrip control, 2) existing phytosanitary treatments for efficacy toward citrus mealybug, 3) the "hydrogen cyanide emergency treatment" for efficacy toward five key pests (Asian citrus psyllid, citrus mealybug, red scale, bean thrips, and flat mites). In addition, novel formulations of the citrus mealybug sex pheromone will be synthesized. In parallel, USDA-ARS Columbia researchers will identify the receptor for the citrus mealybug sex pheromone from genetic resources using a bioinformatic approach, generate a high-throughput cell-based assay using this receptor, and screen synthetic formulations of the citrus mealybug sex pheromone for activity against the receptor. Compounds showing activity against the citrus mealybug sex pheromone receptor in cell-based assays will then be tested for efficacy in vivo, by USDA-ARS Parlier researchers.