Location: Biological Control of Pests Research
Project Number: 6066-10400-001-001-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2021
End Date: Jun 30, 2026
1. Discover naturally occurring contact toxins, repellents and fumigants for invasive ants with focus on the red imported fire ants and tawny crazy ants.
2. Discover ant behavior-modifying compounds/substance, such as pheromones, attractants and feeding stimulants.
3. Development of control products based on identified toxins and behavior-modifying compounds/substances.
Objective 1: Collect biological materials from terrestrial, aquatic, and marine sources for which there are reasons to suspect the presence of ant-active compounds and conduct bioassay-directed isolation of active compounds against invasive ants.
Objective 2: Identify ant behavior-modifying compounds from ants and their foods and nests.
Objective 3: Scale up the production of compounds of interest and conduct development research such as formulating ant mound and nest treatment and bait products.