Location: Obesity and Metabolism Research
Project Number: 2032-10700-003-024-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Oct 1, 2021
End Date: Aug 14, 2025
To establish linkage between diet and health, accurate and unbiased estimators of acute and habitual food intake are needed. While a variety of nutrient and non-nutrient components of foods have been identified, some with the ability to inform on the intake of certain foods or groups of foods, few of these have been thoroughly validated for the specificity and sensitivity of dietary assessments. To improve our understanding of dietary exposure we propose the following specific aims:
Specific Aim 1: Identify and define characteristics of a novel set of blood & urinary spectra associated with dietary exposure of foods and food groups.
Specific Aim 2: Determine the performance of novel food exposure signals and relationship to benchmark predictive markers.
Specific Aim 3: Determine the ability of exposure signature biomarkers to predict recent and habitual consumption of MyPlate foods and food groups in diverse and heterogeneous populations and interrogate inter-individual variability of response to specific food exposures.
ARS Researchers will support this research by leading diet based studies in human cohorts and providing LC-MS-based metaboloimcs analyses of blood and urine. This project will discover a set of Biomarkers of food intake as signatures of fruit and vegetable exposure using untargeted and targeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics of urine and plasma in samples collected from controlled feeding studies, which will be used to generate Biomarkers of diet intake of fruits and vegetables.
We will Determine the dose and time response in plasma and urine associated with exposure to a mixture of MyPlate fruits and vegetables in individuals with different dietary patterns. a randomized controlled dietary intervention on 30 clinically healthy adult males and females aged 18 and above, in which 0 or four servings of a mixture of fruits or vegetables will be provided as a dose (1 fruit / 3 vegetables, 2 fruit / 2 vegetables, and 3 fruit / 1 vegetables) within a standard mixed meal setting to each subject in an inverse dosing gradient (i.e. high to low fruit / low to high vegetables). After completion of all 4 arms by each subject, urine and plasma samples will be analyzed by the Metabolomics Core using LC-MS/MS.