Location: Agroecosystems Management Research
Project Number: 5030-21600-002-002-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Feb 1, 2022
End Date: Jan 31, 2025
The objective of this experiment is to assess how an alternative fertilizer source (pellets created from biochar and swine manure) impacts crop production, soil N and C pools, and nitrate leaching compared to common synthetic fertilizer in corn-soybean (C-S) rotations.
We will help facilitate field experiments at two cooperator's research sites in central Iowa on two different soil types. The experiment will implement main plot treatments with corn grown in plots fertilized with i) an alternative fertilizer created using biochar and swine manure (source of both N and P); or ii) slow release S-coated urea and synthetic super P. Subplots within each main plot will include 3 different fertilizer N application rates: 100, 175, or 250 lb N/acre.
The ARS Co-PI will provide guidance on experimental design and data collection to quantify potential N and P losses using resin lysimeters collected annually from each plot. The ARS Co-PI will direct field operations and data collection from the research plots. The ARS Co-PI will assist with data collection of corn development and yields, as well as soil C and N parameters.