Location: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory
Project Number: 8042-22000-167-002-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 15, 2022
End Date: Jul 14, 2026
The objective of this agreement is to expand weed performance criteria measured within existing integrated weed management research that was established by an ARS areawide program. The specific objective is to examine how cover crops and harvest weed seed control combine to suppress weed density, competition, and seed production.
The USDA-ARS, Sustainable Agriculture Systems Laboratory has established multi-tactic weed management studies examining the interactions of cover crops and harvest weed seed control on research stations and on-farm. SASL will expand these field-based studies to combine current recommended chemical weed management programs with non-chemical components of the integrated weed management framework. Weed seed production and weed-crop competition will be studied. Data from this experiment will be used to populate a decision support tool.