Location: Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research
Project Number: 3020-21000-012-013-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2022
End Date: Aug 31, 2026
The objective of the project is to evaluate tools for high throughput rheological quality characterization of winter wheat breeding germplasm, with a focus on germplasm carrying introgressions from wheat wild ancestors, Triticum dicoccoides and Aegilops tauschii.
The objective of the project is to evaluate tools for high throughput rheological quality characterization of winter wheat breeding germplasm, with a focus on germplasm carrying introgressions from wheat wild ancestors, Triticum dicoccoides and Aegilops tauschii. The cooperator will perform quality evaluations on winter wheat germplasm grown in 2022 in replicated, multi-location trials to partition the components of variance (environment, genotype, genotype x environment, error) and to evaluate correlations among quality traits.
The project will focus of quality evaluation of materials derived from wild wheat relatives. Much of this work has been orchestrated between the cooperator and ARS scientists, with the cooperator program largely focusing on materials derived from Aegilops tauschii, and the ARS program largely focused on materials derived from Triticum dicoccoides. The Cooperator program will plant field experiments for Aegilops tauschii-derived materials, and ARS will plant field experiments for Triticum dicoccoides-derived materials. These materials will be harvested, processed and grain characteristics, including protein content and test weight, will be measured within the programs growing the field trials. Those samples will be made available for this research effort.
The cooperator and ARS will cooperate to collect observations on the grain samples, including whole grain lactic acid-SDS solvent retention capacity, micro-milling flour yield, mixograph traits, and glutopeak traits. Data will be analyzed to partition variance. Correlation analysis will be conducted to assess the inter-relatedness of the quality parameters. The cooperator will diagram the workflow for evaluation of breeding germplasm, including projected sample throughput.