Location: Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research
Project Number: 2080-21000-019-063-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Apr 1, 2023
End Date: Aug 30, 2024
Four objectives will be the focus of this NFCA:
1)Evaluate bumble bee behavior at the colony, determining foraging rates over 24 hour periods of time.
2)Evaluate behavior of bees and parasitoids at the nest sites of cavity nesting bees and ground nesting bees.
3)Evaluate the pollination behavior of bees on rare plants and crop plants, by determining identity, abundance, and foraging times.
4)Evaluate the identity, abundance, and flight behavior of a community of bees in a landscape.
Using the cooperator provided technologies and accompanying software that has been programmed to deliver the data for each individual objective, the cameras will be positioned to gather data on behavior of the various types of bees. The cooperator will work with the ARS PI's to teach them how to retrieve the data. The data will be analyzed fully to determine the utility and full potential of the technology and use in answering various research questions. Summaries will be prepared and if needed, standard operating procedures written for each particular use of the technology.