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Research Project: Comprehensive Mapping of Livestock B Cell Receptor Repertoire Using Single-cell Sequencing to Enhance Vaccine Development

Location: Foreign Animal Disease Research

Project Number: 3022-32000-064-037-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jun 1, 2024
End Date: May 31, 2026

To improve our understanding of B cell diversity and specificity, we propose to establish a pipeline that integrates single-cell RNA and B cell receptor (BCR) sequencing of B cells from PBMCs samples of both naïve and infected animals. A critical aspect of this work will involve the optimization of B cell enrichment from various tissues, followed by the creation of a bioinformatics and machine learning framework to decode the B cell repertoires and get paired antibody sequences. This project has the potential to identify the diversity and specificity of B cells, the tissue-specific immune responses and B cell maturation. These insights will significantly contribute to the rational design of vaccines and other effective immunological interventions.

1. Establish a pipeline for enrichment of live B cell populations from livestock animals. 2. Establish a pipeline for single B-cell sequencing. 3. Establish a pipeline for bioinformatics and machine learning framework to decode B cell repertoires.