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Research Project: Sustainable Cherry Protection with SYMBIONT

Location: Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research

Project Number: 2092-22430-003-060-T
Project Type: Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Apr 1, 2024
End Date: Mar 30, 2025

1- Evaluate AMPs Antimicrobial Peptides against Phytoplasma: Conduct comprehensive proof-of-concept studies to assess the efficacy of SYMBIONT in delivering antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as biotherapeutics to existing cherry plants. Focus on evaluating the uptake, distribution, and impact of these therapeutic molecules on plant health and productivity. 2- Inoculate 40 different Symbiont vectors on phytoplasma-infected cherry using 3-5 replicate plants per vector in the greenhouse. 3- Screen the recipient plants for Symbionts that alleviate disease symptoms and lower bacterial titer in the greenhouse. 4- Perform replicate trials of the best performing Symbiont vectors identified in the greenhouse screen.   5- Plan for field evaluation of the best performing Symbiont vectors

The SYMBIONT delivery system introduces a novel and optimized approach for delivering biotherapeutics to existing cherry plants in the field, with a specific focus on targeting Phytoplasma X Disease. This innovative method facilitates the efficient uptake of therapeutic molecules, resulting in extended effectiveness within the plant and systemic movement from a single delivery point. Established methods developed for citrus greening disease will be used to create SYMBIONT constructs adapted for cherry x-disease. Trees will be inoculated with SYMBIONT by injection, and infected with X-disease using infective vectors. Symptoms will be monitored in greenhouse plants and quantitative PCR will be used to measure effects of SYMBIONT on pathogen titers.