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Research Project: Enhancement of Lumpy Skin Disease Diagnostic: Antigen Generation for an Indirect ELISA Kit and Development of New Monoclonal Antibodies

Location: Research Programs

Project Number: 3022-32000-018-045-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2027

The general objective is to improve diagnostic approach and possibility to discriminate between vaccinated/infected bovine as well as understanding of host immune responses to establish an efficient strategy on the control and eradicate LSD in endemic areas. Specific Objectives: 1) Antigen generation for use in an indirect Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) antibody detection ELISA kit fully optimized and more sensitive assay to detect exposed cattle compared to the currently available ID VET ELISA for use as a screening assay. 2) Development of monoclonal antibodies to develop a competitive/blocking ELISA and facilitate the commercialization of competitive ELISA kit. The monoclonal antibodies developed will be used in the future to develop lateral flow tests to use initial screen in low-income countries and identify LSDV infected cattle. 3) Perform animal experiment for generate experimental infection serum and test ELISA.

The Collaborator will produce and develop antigens to be further transferred to a third party and follow commercialization of the product in an ELISA Kit specific for serological diagnostic of lumpy skin disease. Facilitate the test of those ELISA Kit in an endemic area. Additionally, the Collaborator will conduct animal experiments to generate serum and test the developed ELISA kit. Finally, the Collaborator will develop and produce lumpy skin disease monoclonal antibody for use in a competitive blocking ELISA assay.