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Research Project: Testing Cucurbita Moschata Genebank Accessions for Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (Tobamoviruses)

Location: Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit

Project Number: 6046-21000-013-041-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2024
End Date: Jul 31, 2025

The primary objectives of this project are aimed at comprehensively evaluating the health of squash (butternut) germplasm: 1) To evaluate the presence of seed-borne pathogens (Tobamoviruses) on Cucurbita moschata (squash) seed maintained in the USDA Germplasm Collection via PCR tests. 2) Identify the specific pathogen detected by PCR via DNA sequencing.

Test 162 seed inventories of squash (C. moschata) in the USDA/ARS germplasm collection in Griffin, Georgia using a proprietary PCR methodology. Samples of seed of each of the 162 accessions, to represent ~ 10% of the seed in each inventory, will be packaged and labeled in Griffin, GA and sent for pathogen testing. The PCR products of all samples testing positive will be sequenced. Seed of accessions testing positive will be sent to the USDA lab in Charleston, South Carolina for further testing and evaluation. Samples testing positive for a Tobamovirus will be flagged in the GRIN GLOBAL database as ‘infected’ and the inventory will no longer be distributed or made available except in unusual circumstances (i.e. for further testing). Inventories testing negative will be designated as such in the database.