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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Houma, Louisiana » Sugarcane Research » Research » Research Project #446672

Research Project: Sugarcane Genomic Prediction Through Quantitative Genetics and Digital Phenotyping

Location: Sugarcane Research

Project Number: 6052-21000-018-013-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2024
End Date: Jul 31, 2029

To evaluate cooperator and ARS sugarcane genotypes and in-field trials for quantitative traits related to biotic (rust, smut, mosaic, and leaf scald resistance), and abiotic (cold and water) stress, ratooning ability, enhanced photosynthesis, and yield traits including stalk weight, stalk number, sucrose content, and ratooning ability.

The cooperator will engage in an intensive research program studying quantitative sugarcane traits and the application of genomics and other emerging technologies for the Louisiana Sugarcane Variety Development Program managed by USDA-ARS, LSU AgCenter, and the American Sugar Cane League of the U.S.A., Inc., using state-of-the-art tools including (but not limited to) near infrared spectroscopy, drones and remote sensing, hyperspectral imaging, high-throughput genotyping, and bioinformatics. Of particular importance is the development and testing of a medium density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array currently under development as part of a CGC grant. Combining genotype data obtained using the SNP array, with the phenotypic data collected from training populations or line-trials, is necessary to advance the goals of the Sugarcane Integrated Breeding System (SIBS).