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Research Project: Regulation of Deoxynivaleno Biosynthesis

Location: Crop Production and Protection

Project Number: 0500-00053-005-171-G
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: May 1, 2024
End Date: Apr 30, 2026

The goal of this study is to characterize the mechanism for regulating DON biosynthesis by TRI14 in infected plant tissues and determine its functional relationship with TRI6 and TRI10. Specific objectives are to: 1) Characterize the Tri14-Tri6 interaction and regulation of TRI gene expression; 2) Determine the functional relationship of Tri14 with Tri10 in DON biosynthesis; 3) Comparative analysis of genes regulated by TRI6, TRI10, and TRI14 during plant infection

Objective 1 will further characterize the interaction of Tri14 with Tri6 and its role in TRI gene regulation in infected wheat heads. The putative Tri6-binding site in its promoter and predicted phosphorylation sites also will be functionally characterized. Objective 2 is to characterize the interaction and functional relationship between Tri14 and Tri10 by assaying their physical interactions and transcriptional regulation. The effect of Tri14 on the Tri6-Tri10 interaction and binding of Tri6 to its target sequences also will be determined. Objective 3 aims to identify genes that are differentially regulated by TRI14, TRI6, and TRI10 during plant infection and analyze their regulatory relationship in regulating TRI genes and other genes important for pathogenesis and production of farnesyl pyrophosphate, the precursor for DON biosynthesis. The interaction of Tri6 with Tri14 may be responsible for Tri6-specific regulation of these genes that are not affected in the tri10 mutant during plant infection.