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Research Project: Advancing Field FHB Phenotyping Capabilities

Location: Crop Production and Protection

Project Number: 0500-00053-005-178-G
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: May 1, 2024
End Date: Apr 30, 2026

1. Transition FHB imaging and detection from rover based to cell phone captured imagery. 2. Improve image analysis pipeline to increase throughput of cell phone image acquisition. 3. Validate cell phone imagery in a reliable diverse panel of germplasm to demonstrate the broad use of the phenotyping methods and disease assessment models across disease severities and spike morphologies.

We will conduct FHB disease ratings using non-invasive imaging techniques. Previous models will be tested on collected phone-based imagery and improved as necessary with new information. Performance will be validated across years and locations for broader community use of this low cost, low input, highly usable FHB phenotyping platform.