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Research Project: Waste Water Surveillance for the Detection of Zoonotic Spillover Event

Location: Zoonotic and Emerging Disease Research

Project Number: 3022-32000-021-014-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Sep 1, 2025

The objectives of this agreement are to: 1. Establish waste water surveillance techniques in West Africa 2. To perform a limited sampling of waste water in Liberia to identify infectious agents in circulation

Waste water surveillance is becoming more frequently utilized for surveillance. Sampling of waste water provides a snapshot of what agents are cirulating in a population. The project will establish waste water surveillance technology in Liberia. As part of this effort a pilot sampling will be done to demonstrate capabilities. Waste water samples will be collected in Pheobe Liberia. Samples will be divided. Attempts at extraction and library preparation will be performed at the laboratory there. An aliquot will also be sent to the national public health laboratory in Charlesville, Liberia.