Location: Agroecosystem Management Research
Project Number: 3042-21660-001-014-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Nov 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2031
Action Area #3 exists to advance critical data infrastructure and capacity that can deliver data collected in Action Area #1 and Action Area #2 to modelers for advancing estimates of mitigation outcomes and advancing the GHG inventory (Action Area #4 and #7). Data will also be useful for answering research questions. For the support to AA#2, this infrastructure will store and serve out tremendous amounts of data from across the US, including historic data and new data. The infrastructure will advance historical data framework towards innovative architecture that better supports model improvement.
The IRA GHG Quantification efforts aim to collect field-based data and improve estimates of GHG emissions and carbon sequestration to assess conservation outcomes and support the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks. The IRA GHG Quantification work is organized through seven Action Areas (see figure below) to support the broader USDA MMRV portfolio. Overall, the effort focuses on data collection necessary for validating, calibrating, and improving models, the use of the data in model and tool development, and the improvement of activity data (ie data on the use and coverage of different practices).
To overall goal of Action Area #3 is to transmit, store, align, and deliver high quality GHG and carbon data for modelers. Specifcially, Action Area #3 will:
• Support data management and enhanced IT-related capacity to produce high-quality and aligned data.
• Provide solutions that will advance data collection technologies directly integrated into data management systems.
• Provide high quality data to improve model estimates for assessing conservation mitigation outcomes and advancing the Inventory of US GHG Emissions and Sinks.