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Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Cole crops (includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
Deciduous and small fruits, general/other
Deciduous tree fruits, other
Ornamentals and turf, general/other (includes cacti)
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Rangelands, other
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wine grapes
Research Projects within Deciduous tree fruits, other
item Biological Control and Integrated Management of Invasive Arthropod Pests from Europe, Asia, and Africa
item Exploration of N Vietnam for Discovery of its Lycorma delicatula and It's Natural Enemies and Potential Biological Control of this Pest in the U.S.
item Mosquito and West Nile Virus Surveillance Strategies