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item Pettis, Jeffery
item Shimanuki, Hachiro

Submitted to: Proceedings of Apimondia Congress
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/10/1999
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Non-chemical control measures need to be developed as part of an integrated approach to the control of Varroa jacobsoni, a parasitic mite of honey bees. The need for non-chemical control strategies is illustrated by the recent development of mite resistance to chemicals in both Europe and North America. Following our observations that live mites may fall naturally, or otherwise become dislodged, we have developed a hive modification that we feel can contribute to reducing overall mite populations. In our studies approximately 40 percent of varroa that fell were alive and could re-enter the colony; exclusion of these mites should slow the rate of varroa increase. Our results indicate that the use of a physical barrier that provides separation between bees and fallen varroa is sufficient to prevent mite re-entry. It is proposed that this simple modification to beehives coupled with selected bee stocks, acaricidal smokes or dusts will reduce varroa populations. Field trails are currently underway to test thi cultural control method as part of a more integrated approach to varroa control. In the disease section, Dr. Carlos Benneditti gave an interesting talk on V in Argentina where the mite has been established in honey bees since 1971- e observed a high frequency of multiple queens in the colonies when Varroa sema disease was found in the colonies. In Argentina they are also attempti develop honey bee stocks that are resistant to Varroa. Dr. Bill Rubink, A eslaco presented a report on the discovery of mite resistance to Apistan (f