Thies, Judy | |
Fery, Richard |
Submitted to: Journal of Nematology
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 12/1/1999 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria races 1 and 2, M. hapla, and M. javanica) are major pests of bell peppers in the USA and worldwide. The N gene conditions resistance to M. incognita in the recently released bell pepper cultivars Charleston Belle and Carolina Wonder (USDA, ARS, 1997). However, it is unknown whether the N gene also confers resistance to the other major root-knot nematode species. We characterized Charleston Bell and Carolina Wonder (both NN) and their respective recurrent backcross parents, Keystone Resistant Giant and Yolo Wonder (both nn), for resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria races 1 and 2, M. hapla, and M. javanica in greenhouse and growth chamber tests. Charleston Belle and Carolina Wonder exhibited high resistance to M. arenaria race 1, and Keystone Resistant Giant and Yolo Wonder B were susceptible. Although M. arenaria race 2 and M. javanica are not highly pathogenic to pepper, Charleston Belle and Carolina Wonder both exhibited higher (P less than 0.05) resistance to M. arenaria race 2 and M. javanica than Keystone Resistant Giant and Yolo Wonder B. All four cultivars were susceptible to M. hapla. We concluded that the N gene conditions resistance to M. arenaria races 1 and 2 and M. javanica, but not to M. hapla. |