Anthony, William |
Submitted to: National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 1/24/2000 Publication Date: 6/1/2000 Citation: Anthony, W.S. 2000. Predicting foreign matter in cotton at the gin. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference. Volume 2:1577-1579 Interpretive Summary: The trash content of seed cotton and lint is measured online in 20 of the 1150 gins in the U.S. These gins use USDA-patented technology and commercial color and trash cameras. Mathematical relationships between ASTM-based laboratory methods and the new strobe-type cameras that are currently being used have not been reported. In order to ensure precise control of the selection of cleaning machinery, those relationships are needed. Samples representing the entire range of trash content were collected and evaluated with laboratory and camera methods. Algorithms were developed to predict 76 to 92% of the data correctly for lint and seed cotton. These relationships can be integrated with gin process control systems to minimize damage to the cotton and optimize farmer profits. Technical Abstract: Improved processing of cotton requires measurement of the trash in the cotton before and after cleaning at the gin. Cameras are currently used in some gins to measure trash levels. This study ascertained the relationships between standard laboratory tests (Shirley Analyser for lint and Fractionation for seed cotton) and marketing assessments of trash (High Volume Instrument) and mesurements by a new, strobe-type camera. About 1,000 samples each of seed cotton and lint representing the full range of trash levels expected in both spindle-harvested and stripper- harvested cottons were evaluated. Laboratory trash levels ranged from 2 to 36% for seed cotton and from 1 to 14% for lint. Significant regression equations accounted for 76% of the variations in the Shirley Analyser data for lint and 92% for seed cotton fractionation. Similar correlations were found for HVI trash and manual leaf grade. |