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ARS Home » Plains Area » Grand Forks, North Dakota » Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center » Dietary Prevention of Obesity-related Disease Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #110960


item Lukaski, Henry
item VANDERPOOL, RICHARD - 5450-10-00
item Johnson, Phyllis

Submitted to: Great Lakes Regional American Chemical Society Symposium
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/31/2000
Publication Date: 6/4/2000
Citation: Lukaski, H.C., Vanderpool, R.A., Johnson, P.E. 2000. Decreased exchangeable copper after exercise in men fed diets varying in copper content [abstract]. 32nd Great Lakes 2000 Regional Meeting American Chemical Society Abstracts of Presentations. p.16. June 4-6, 2000.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Exercise is a stressor that promotes mobilization of mineral elements from soft tissue storage depots, particularly skeletal muscle. This study examined the hypothesis that alterations in dietary copper (Cu) intake affect exchangeable copper in blood and muscle. Eleven men, aged 27 to 38 yr, resided on a metabolic unit and consumed whole food diets that provided adequate (1.5 mg Cu per 2500 kcal daily for 13 wk) then marginal (0.7 mg Cu per 2500 kcal for 7 wk) Cu intakes. 65**Cu, a stable isotope of Cu, was administered intravenously after 3 wk on each diet. Exchangeable Cu was measured as 65**Cu in plasma and in muscle before and after controlled submaximal exercise (45 min at 70% peak work capacity) on an ergocycle. There was an interaction (p < 0.004) between dietary Cu and exercise; exchangeable Cu concentration after exercise decreased when dietary Cu was marginal and increased when dietary Cu was adequate. Similarly, skeletal muscle 65Cu concentration increased (p < 0.04) when dietary Cu was adequate but did not change with marginal dietary Cu. These findings suggest that mobilization of Cu from skeletal muscle into blood plasma is limited when dietary Cu is marginal, and that exchangeable Cu may represent a functional pool of Cu that is conserved when dietary Cu is inadequate.