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ARS Home » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #116578


item Rossman, Amy

Submitted to: Inoculum
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/15/2000
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: None required

Technical Abstract: This large-format book is a thorough account of the problems encountered in growing hemp on either a large or small scale and management strategies for their control. Divided into three sections, the first one covers crop biology including plant protection, requirements for growth, and taxonomy and ecology of Cannabis. The second section is on the diseases and pests of Cannabis including a chapter on fungal diseases. The 34 most important diseases caused by fungi are listed by disease name. For each disease the scientific name and a description of the causal fungus are provided as well as a section on diagnosis, disease cycle and epidemiology, cultural and mechanical control, and biocontrol. The longest chapter is devoted to the 150 most commonly encountered insects and mites with suggestions for their biological control discussed under each major group. The third section on the control of diseases and pests addresses the various methods for control, specifically cultural and mechanical methods of controlling diseases and pests, biological control and biorational chemical control.