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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Charleston, South Carolina » Vegetable Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #118158


item Fery, Richard

Submitted to: HortScience
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/5/2001
Publication Date: 2/5/2002
Citation: Fery, R.L. 2002. 'Green Dixie Blackeye', a green cotyledon, blackeye-type southernpea. Hortscience. 37(1):233-234.

Interpretive Summary: Cream-type and pinkeye-type southernpea varieties with the green cotyledon seed color trait have been adopted by the frozen food processing industry in recent years because the seeds of these varieties can be harvested at the dry stage of maturity without loss of their fresh green color. The green cotyledon trait also has much potential as a value-added trait for the blackeye-type varieties that are widely grown in the U.S. About 10 years ago, an effort was initiated at the U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC, to incorporate the green cotyledon trait into blackeye-type southernpeas. These efforts resulted in the April 2000 release of the new variety Green Dixie Blackeye. Green Dixie Blackeye is the first blackeye- type southernpea cultivar to be developed that exhibits the green cotyledon seed trait. Results of extensive field testing throughout the southern U.S. indicate that the yield potential of Green Dixie Blackeye is equal to or better than those of the traditional blackeye-type varieties currently recommended for use in the southeastern United States. The new variety is recommended for use by home gardeners and the dry-pack bean industry. Green Dixie Blackeye peas can be harvested not only fresh for immediate consumption or storage in home freezers, but also when fully dry for storage or sale as an attractive dry pack.

Technical Abstract: The USDA has released a blackeye-type southernpea cultivar that is homozygous for the gc gene conditioning the green cotyledon trait. The new cultivar, named Green Dixie Blackeye, can be harvested at dry stage maturity without loss of the pea's fresh green color. Green Dixie Blackeye originated as a bulk of an F9 Bettergro Blackeye x Bettergreen population grown in 1994. Green Dixie Blackeye has a high, bushy plant habit. It produces dry pods at Charleston, S.C., in about 71 days, 9 days later than Bettergro Blackeye. The oblong shape of dry Green Dixie Blackeye peas is quite similar to the shape of dry Bettergro Blackeye peas. Green Dixie Blackeye peas have a smooth seed coat and are somewhat larger than Bettergro Blackeye peas (weight per 100 dry peas: Green Dixie Blackeye, 15.6 g; and Bettergro Blackeye, 14.4 g). The results of replicated trials conducted at Charleston, S.C., indicate that the yield potential of Green Dixie Blackeye is much greater than that of Bettergro Blackeye. Dry pea yields of Green Dixie Blackeye were 116% and 151% of the Bettergro Blackeye yields in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Green Dixie Blackeye is the first blackeye-type southernpea to be released that exhibits the green cotyledon phenotype. It is recommended for use by home gardeners and the dry-pack bean industry.