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item Wall, Robert

Submitted to: Theriogenology
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/8/2001
Publication Date: 2/15/2002
Citation: Wall, R.J. 2002. New gene transfer methods. Theriogenology. 57:189-201.

Interpretive Summary: The intentional introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into a living organism can be achieved in many ways. Viruses have been making a living by practicing gene transfer for millennia. Recently, man has gotten into the act. The paradigm employed is fairly straightforward. First, a way must be found to move genetic information across biological membrane barriers. Then, presumably, DNA repair mechanisms do the rest. The array of methods available to move DNA into the nucleus provides flexibility necessary to transfer genes into cells as physically diverse as sperm and eggs. Some of the more promising alternative strategies such as sperm-mediated gene transfer, restriction enzyme-mediated integration, metaphase II transgenesis and a new twist on retrovirus-mediated gene transfer will be discussed, among other methods.

Technical Abstract: The intentional introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into a living organism can be achieved in many ways. Viruses have been making a living by practicing gene transfer for millennia. Recently, man has gotten into the act. The paradigm employed is fairly straightforward. First, a way must be found to move genetic information across biological membrane barriers. Then, presumably, DNA repair mechanisms do the rest. The array of methods available to move DNA into the nucleus provides flexibility necessary to transfer genes into cells as physically diverse as sperm and eggs. Some of the more promising alternative strategies such as sperm-mediated gene transfer, restriction enzyme-mediated integration, metaphase II transgenesis and a new twist on retrovirus-mediated gene transfer will be discussed, among other methods.