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item Coleman, Samuel
item Phillips, William
item Riley, David
item Chase, Chadwick - Chad
item Mayeux Jr, Herman

Submitted to: Journal of Animal Science
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/1/2002
Publication Date: 3/1/2002
Citation: Coleman, S.W., Phillips, W.A., Riley, D.G., Chase, C.C., Mayeux, H.S. 2002. Stocker and feedlot performance of Angus and Romosinuano steer calves. Southern Section American Society of Animal Science. p. 4. Abstract No. 15.

Interpretive Summary: ABSTRACT ONLY

Technical Abstract: Although genetic adaptation to tropical conditions is as essential component of the cow/calf systems used in the Southern US, the calves generated on these farms are transported to more temperate regions for growth and finishing. The objective of this experiment was to compare stocker and feedlot performance of steers from a temperate (Angus) or tropical (Romosinuano) breed reared in a tropical environment but grown an finished in a temperate environment. In the fall of 2000 approximately 21d after weaning, Angus (ANGUS, N=34) and Romosinuano (ROMO, N=36) steers born at Brooksville, FL were transported 2025 km to El Reno, OK. Steers were managed as a single group, placed in a 28-ha dormant warm season grass pasture, and given ad libitum access to grass hay and a mixed diet formulated to support an ADG of 0.8 kg for the winter/spring (Nov. 16 to April 3; 138 d) stocker period. In the late spring, steers grazed winter wheat for 65 d (April 3 to June 5) befor entering the feedlot. Within breeds, steers were blocked by weight and selected from each BW strataum. Three steers of each breed were placed in one of six pens and individual feed intake was monitored over a 108-d finishing period. Angus steers were heavier (P=0.05) at the beginning of the stocker phase (222 vs 212 kg) and gained more weight (212 vs 96 kg; P=0.001) than ROMO steers during the 203-d stocker period. Alothough ANGUS steers enterd the feedlot at heavier weights (P=0.002) than ROMO steers (339 vs 305 kg), ADF (ANGUS=1.46 kg; ROMO=1.45 kg) and daily feed intake (ANGUS=9.58 kg; ROMO=9.35 kg) were not different (P>0.5). Although steers from a tropical breed gained less during the winter and spring stocker period than steers from a teperate breed, feedlot performance and feed intake were similar.