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ARS Home » Plains Area » Lubbock, Texas » Cropping Systems Research Laboratory » Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #136763


item Zobeck, Teddy
item Stout, John
item Van Pelt, Robert

Submitted to: International Conference on Wind Erosion and Aeolian Processes
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/1/2002
Publication Date: 7/22/2002
Citation: Zobeck, T.M., Stout, J.E., Van Pelt, R.S., Funk, R., Rajot, J.L., Sterk, G. 2002. Measurement and data analysis methods for field-scale wind erosion studies. Proceedings of the ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Conference. Internation Center of Arid and Semiarid Land Studies, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX Pub No. 02-2 pp. 204

Interpretive Summary: Accurate and reliable methods of measuring the amount of blowing Accurate and reliable methods of measuring the amount of blowing dust are necessary to confirm and improve models used to predict erosion and develop new crop management systems. The equipment used to measure the dust, the properties of the fields measured, and methods of analyzing the data are discussed in this paper. Characteristics of the field that should be considered include the field shape, length, and uniformity of the field surface features, such as texture and roughness. The kind of samplers used will depend on how the dust is moving. Particles rolling along the ground may be caught by simply burying a bottle with the opening flush to the surface. Bouncing particles can be caught with dust traps mounted on a pole. Very small suspended particles can be captured using commercially available sampling equipment. The paper will also discuss a variety of other sampling and data analysis techniques. Topics will include a discussion of the number of samplers to use, weather station equipment needs, simple wind and dust measurement analysis techniques, and field soil surface characteristics of importance.

Technical Abstract: Accurate and reliable methods of measuring windblown sediment are needed to confirm, validate and improve erosion models, assess the intensity of aeolian processes and related damage, determine the source of pollutants, and for other applications. The type of sampling apparatus and methods, field characteristics, and methods of analyses used in aeolian field studies depend upon the specific objectives of the study. This paper will outline important factors to consider in conducting field-scale wind erosion studies and describe most commonly used field data collection and analysis methods for use in model validation. Factors such as field shape, length, boundary conditions, and surface uniformity should all be considered when selecting or evaluating fields for field-scale wind erosion studies. The types of samplers used for sampling windblown (aeolian) sediment will vary depending upon the type of sediment to be measured. Estimates of creep may be most economically made by burying a bottle with the opening flush with the soil surface as suggested by Bagnold (1941). The Big Spring Number Eight and Modified Wilson and Cooke samplers appear to be the most popular for field studies of saltation. Sampling suspended dust may be performed with active samplers that provide a suction using a pump of some type. The DustTrak aerosol monitor is one of several commercially produced instruments now available to measure suspended dust at rapid sampling rates (1 Hz). The oral paper will also discuss a variety of other measurement and data analysis techniques used in field-scale wind erosion studies. Topics will include sampler number and location, meteorological station instrumentation, elementary wind data analysis techniques, mass transport and dust emission data analysis, and soil surface characteristics including surface roughness, and aggregate and crust properties.