Smith, Timothy - Tim | |
Nonneman, Danny - Dan | |
Submitted to: Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 11/1/2001 Publication Date: 1/12/2002 Citation: Farber, C.R., Smith, T.P., Nonneman, D.J., Medrano, J.F. 2002. Comparative Radiation Hybrid Mapping of the Mouse High Growth (HG) Region in Cattle and Pigs. Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings X. San Diego, CA. 1/12-16/2002. Abstract P136. p. 112. Interpretive Summary: No summary required. Technical Abstract: The high growth (hg) locus is a partially recessive mutation that results in a 30-50% increase in mouse body size. The hg phenotype is the result of a genomic deletion on mouse chromosome 10 including two genes, Cradd (caspase and RIPK1 domain containing adaptor with death domain) and Socs-2 (suppressor of cytokine signaling-2). The homologues of genes surrounding the mouse hg region map to human chromosome 12 within an interval demonstrated to be syntenic with pig (SSC) and cattle (BTA) chromosomes 5. In the current study, cattle and pig sequence-tagged sites (STS) were developed for genes contained within and flanking the hg region to determine gene position and order in cattle and pigs. Radiation hybrid mapping of cattle and pig STS was performed in duplicate using the 5000-rad WG-RH cattle-hamster panel and the INRA-Minnesota Porcine RH panel (IMpRH), respectively. In cattle, SOCS2 and VESPR (semaphorin receptor)demonstrated concordant amplification in all hybrids and two-point analysis indicated significant linkage to UBE2N (ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N) (LOD=15.9) on BTA5. CRADD and NFYB (nuclear transcription factor Y, beta) also demonstrated linkage with BTA5 markers (LOD>11). In the pig, two-point analysis indicated that CRADD, DCN (decorin), LUM (lumican), NFYB and SOCS2 were significantly linked to SSC5 microsatellite markers (LOD>12). Multipoint analysis will be used to discern gene order in both species. These results will serve as the initial characterization of the potential role of hg region genes in the regulation of growth in livestock species. |