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item Arelli, Prakash
item Young, Lawrence

Submitted to: Book Chapter
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/5/2003
Publication Date: 2/26/2004
Citation: Shannon, J.G., Arelli, P.R., Young, L.D. 2004. Breeding for soybean cyst nematode resistance. In: Schmitt, Wrather, Riggs, editors. Biology and Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Second Edition. p. 155-180.

Interpretive Summary: This is a book chapter. No interpretive summary required.

Technical Abstract: Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (SCN) is an important pest of soybean. Resistant varieties have been and will likely remain the principal means of limiting yield losses. Plant introductions from the soybean germplasm collection have been used to develop SCN resistant soybeans. There are over 100 resistant plant introductions with resistance to one or more populations of SCN races. Five SCN resistant sources, Peking, PI 88788, PI 90763, PI 209332 and PI 437654, have been used in development of resistant varieties. Numerous Roundup Ready and conventional SCN resistant varieties have been developed, especially in maturity groups III - VII. Most of these varieties trace to the PI 88788 source of resistance and are resistant to only one or two races. Resistance is complicated by variability of SCN populations. As new varieties have been deployed from resistant sources, SCN populations have adapted, reducing their effectiveness. PI 437654 at present is the best source of resistance to multiple races of SCN and is being widely used in breeding programs to provide more durable resistance. SCN tolerant varieties are desirable to prevent yield losses while reducing selection pressure on the nematode to develop more aggressive populations. Combining resistance and tolerance would provide more stable performance in the presence of variable field populations of SCN. Resistance to SCN is multigenic. Genes for SCN resistance from some sources of resistance have been mapped. Major and minor genes for resistance have been found on various chromosomes. Marker assisted selection shows promise to develop SCN resistant varieties faster and easier with more complete resistance to SCN populations.