DUFF, G. - UNIV. OF AZ | |
Cole, Noel |
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 9/3/2002 Publication Date: 10/3/2002 Citation: Duff, G.C.; Galyean, M.L.; Krehbiel, C.R.; Cole, N.A. Dietary Protein Levels for Beef Cattle Diets. Proceedings of the Reunion Internacional Sobre Produccion De Carne Y Leche En Climas Calidos, Universdad Autonoma De Baja California. 2002. p. 42-53. Interpretive Summary: Protein requirements and protein utilization by ruminants have been extensively evaluated. However, in recent years, protein nutrition is again the focus of research because of the potential impact of nitrogen (N) on the environment. Excess nutrients (N, P, etc.) in manure can pose a threat to soil, water, and air quality. Diet composition can influence the quantity and chemical composition of manure produced, affect the composition of runoff from feedyards or fields fertilized with feedlot manure, and also affect air quality by altering the emissions of ammonia, dust, and odors from feedyards and fields. This paper highlights current research programs evaluating protein concentrations and protein sources for ruminants during various stages of growth. For newly-received beef calves it appears that the optimum level of urea to feed with a high-concentrate, processed grain receiving diet is approximately 0.5% of the DM for maximum feed efficiency. The Consortium for Cattle Feeding and Environmental Sciences, a group of university and USDA scientists located in the Texas Panhandle and New Mexico are currently conducting research to study the impact of N and P on various aspects of beef cattle feeding operations. One study that evaluated protein concentrations and protein sources for finishing yearling steers suggests that daily gain and daily feed intake can be increased by feeding diets with 13.0 % CP compared with 11.5 or 14.5 % CP diets; however, no differences in feed efficiency resulted. Results from this and 7 other Consortium projects will be used for development of a national feed database and computer models/decision tools to predict optimum protein nutrition in feedlot cattle. Technical Abstract: Este trabajo resalta programas actuales de investigacion que evaluan las concentraciones de fuetes de proteina para rumiantes durante diversas fases de crecimiento. Par becerros recien recibidos parece que el nivel optimo de urea en concentrado de recepcion, a base de grano procesado, es aproximadamente 0.5% de la MS, para una maxima eficiencia alimenticia. Algunos proyectos de investigacion se estan conduciendo actualmente o estan en las fases de planeacion por el Consorcio para el Alimento del Ganado y las Ciencias Medioambientales (Consortium for Cattle Feeding and Environmental Sciences). Un estudio que evaluo concentraciones y fuentes de proteina en dietas para novillos anojos en finalizacion, sugiere que la ganancia y el consumo diario puedan aumentarse ofreciendo dietas con 13.0% PC, en comparacion con 11.5 o 14.5% de PC; sin embargo, no hubo ninguna diferencia en eficiencia alimenticia. Se usaran resultados de los proyectos del Consorcio para el desarrollo de un banco de datos de alimento nacional y modelos de computadora y herramientas de decision para predecir la nutricion proteinica optima en ganado de engorda. |