Submitted to: Book Chapter
Publication Type: Other Publication Acceptance Date: 5/1/2003 Publication Date: 5/1/2003 Citation: Juneja, V.K. 2003. Efficacy of combined/multiple preservation methods with particular reference to control of escherichia coli. Book Chapter. pp.204-227 Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Combining multiple preservation factors or technologies has enormous potential to improve the microbiological safety and quality of minimally processed foods. The crucial phenomenon of food preservation is the homeostasis of microorganisms. Preservative factors functioning as hurdles can disturb one or more homeostasis mechanisms, thereby preventing microorganisms from multiplying and causing them to remain inactive or even die. The best way to accomplish this is to deliberately disturb several of the homeostasis mechanisms simultaneously. This multi-targeted approach is the essence of combination preservation/intervention strategies. Research has focused on combining traditional preservation factors with emerging intervention technologies. However, many key issues still need to be addressed in order for combination preservation factors or technologies to be useful in the food industry to meet public demands for foods with enhanced safety, freshness and appeal. A particular need is to conduct studies aimed at providing insight into the physiological and molecular mechanisms of microbial inactivation, microbial homeostasis mechanisms, stress responses and associated enhanced virulence, and pathogen emergence and interactions with food production processes. As a result of systematic study in these areas together with detailed assessment of technological performance of available preservatives and preservation technologies in real food formulations, new intervention processes and products are likely to be developed. The ultimate goal is to identify potential new approaches for the safer production of foods. |