DeCanini, Laura | |
Kohel, Russell | |
Yu, John |
Submitted to: Plant and Animal Genome
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 1/4/2001 Publication Date: 1/4/2001 Citation: Decanini, L.I., Kohel, R.J., Yu, J. 2001. Fine-mapping of the glandless gene in cotton [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome IX Conference. Paper No. P631. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: While dark-colored glands in the leaves and stems of cotton plants serve as a natural pesticide to insects, the glands in the regular cottonseed present a major quality disadvantage of cotton oil and feed to non-ruminants. These glands contain high levels of toxic gossypol, a terpenoid, which requires additional processing for extraction or inactivation of this compound for commercial products from cottonseed. The development of glanded cotton plants with glandless cottonseeds has been a long-term objective for the benefit of cotton producers and consumers. Genomic and trangenic approaches are being attempted to produce such cultivars. Althogh the exact gene product is unknown for expression of the glandlessness or suppression of gland formation, previous investigation shows that it is controlled by a codominant allel at a single locus (Gl2) on chromosome 12 of the cotton genome. This glandless gene (Gl2e)was introduced into TM-1, the genetic standard of Upland cottons (Gossypium hirsutum L.), from an Egyptian cotton. An isogenic line called ESP has since produced from this original cross segregating for the glandless gene. Bulk-segregant analysis (BSA) on TM-1 X ESP F2 population has led to the identification of closely linked DNA markers to this gene. Physical analysis of ESP Bacterial Artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries has yielded contigs consisting of putatively positively positive BAC clones, making detailed mapping of this locus possible. |