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ARS Home » Plains Area » Lubbock, Texas » Cropping Systems Research Laboratory » Cotton Production and Processing Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #146123


item Laird, Joseph
item Holt, Gregory

Submitted to: National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/7/2003
Publication Date: 4/5/2003
Citation: Laird, J.W., Holt, G.A. Application of powered paddle roll technology in a 16-inch saw gin stand. Proceedings of Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Cotton Ginning Conference. CD-ROM. Memphis, TN: The National Cotton Council of America. 2003. p. 711-718.

Interpretive Summary: Research conducted by the Lubbock, TX, USDA-ARS laboratory in applying the powered paddle roll technology to a modern gin stand with 16-inch saws demonstrated that it can maintain fiber quality at a high level compared to the conventional gin stand, and was capable of ginning 55 percent faster than a conventional gin stand on wet late season cotton. The powered roll technology gin stand increased average lint turnout more than 2 percentage points, or 30 pounds per bale, and lowered overall ginning costs through reduced power usage for the gin stand and higher ginning capacity. The difference in turnout would add 15 to 20 dollars per bale for the producer. The gin stand energy cost savings to a ginner is seven cents per bale at an average electrical charge of $0.07/kWh, but a more significant cost benefit is dilution of per bale cost through higher processing rate. The total saving for the ginner is $4.05 per bale. For a producer averaging 1,000 bales per year, the increased income is $15,000 to $20,000 per year, and for a gin processing 40,000 bales per year, the saving is $162,000.

Technical Abstract: Powered paddle roll gin stand technology was developed in the Lubbock, TX, USDA-ARS ginning laboratory on a 12-inch saw gin stand. The research effort was expanded to apply this technology on modern gin stands with the larger diameter saws that make up a large percentage of the commercial gin stands in the U.S. This study gives the results from application on a 16-inch saw gin stand. Several shape and size factors were found to be very important in creating a gin stand design that gave the high efficiency ginning performance previously found in the 12-inch saw platform. Research trials to optimize the relationships of the various parts of the gin stand in the 16-inch saw size resulted in improved preservation of fiber properties and 27 to 37 pounds per bale higher lint yield compared to the conventional 16-inch saw gin stand. The powered roll gin stand was capable of ginning more than 55 percent faster than the conventional gin on wet late season cotton.