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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Stoneville, Mississippi » Southern Insect Management Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #150669


item Abel, Craig
item Kilen, Thomas

Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/31/2003
Publication Date: 6/8/2004
Citation: Abel, C.A., Kilen, T.C. 2004. Registration of d95-6271 soybean germplasm line resistant to velvetbean caterpillar. Crop Sci. 44:1495-1496.

Interpretive Summary: Soybean germplasm line D95-6271 was released in June, 2003 for use as a parent to develop varieties with resistance to insects and other soybean pests. The donor of insect resistance lines used previously. Therefore, the use of D95-6271 in a breeding program might contribute some novel genes to varieties developed from it. D95-6271 had significantly less defoliation by soybean looper than its adapted parent Davis in early generation tests. In final tests, D95-6271 had significantly less defoliation by velvetbean caterpillar than Davis. In 3 years of testing at Stoneville, MS, the mean seed yield of D95-6271 was about 88% of that for Davis.

Technical Abstract: Soybean germplasm line D95-6271 was released in June, 2003 to provide a potential parent fo developing new cultivars with resistance to soybean pests, including foliar-feeding insects. D95-6271 has as its source of resistance a Maturity Group (MG) VIII germplasm accession (PI 417061) which is not known to be a parent of any other soybean germplasm line or cultivar. F3 and F4 generations from the cross Davis X PI 417061 were screened for resistance to defoliation by soybean looper. The F8 generation of D95-6271 was evaluated for resistance to defoliation by velvetbean caterpillar. D95-6271 and PI 417061 had significantly less defoliation than Davis, but were not significantly different from each other. In replicated tests at Stoneville, MS, the 3-yr mean seed yield was 2993 kg ha-1 for Davis and 2673 kg ha-1 for D95-6271 (about 88%). D95-6271 is of MG VI, averaging 6 days earlier than Davis, and has a determinant growth habit, white flowers, gray pubescence, and tan pods.