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item Wauchope, Robert - Don

Submitted to: International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/20/2002
Publication Date: 8/4/2002
Citation: Wauchope, R.D. 2002. Pesticide registration for minor uses - a global problem. 10th IUPAC International Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection. Basel, Switzerland, August 4-8, 2002. Poster 6c17, #277.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Pest control chemicals are being produced by fewer companies with smaller profit margins. This is exacerbating the difficulties of getting registrations for small-acreage crops worldwide, with their combination of lower profit potential and added liability. This is a global issue. Plant diseases, weeds and insects can be just as devastating in these 'minor crops' as in major crops, and the economic value of these crops is comparable to that of major crops and often critical to a region. The IUPAC Environmental Chemistry Division project 'Pest Management for Small-Acreage Crops: a Cooperative Global Approach' is designed to bring countries together to share experiences and data, and to suggest harmonized registration approaches and modelling procedures which will help these specialty crops to survive. The approach is three fold: (1) compare minor-use procedures between countries; (2) propose harmonization and data-sharing approaches (3) 'Mine' available crop residue data for predictive model. The last objective may require a separate project with devoted manpower'at present this is an internet-driven project which is limited to gathering information provided by volunteers. A final report is planned for the summer of 2004.