Submitted to: Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter
Publication Type: Research Notes Publication Acceptance Date: 1/31/2003 Publication Date: 7/18/2003 Citation: BLAKEY, C.A., DEWALD, C.L. TRIPSACUM SR5 GENETIC MAP - A NEW GENERATION. MAIZE GENETICS COOPERATION NEWS LETTER. 2003. V. 77. p. 57. Interpretive Summary: . Technical Abstract: The establishment of a single-site location for the new molecular genetic mapping work and mapping population of Tripscaum dactyloides has undertaken at Ball State University. This map will build on information gained in the construction of a previous map in Tripsacum dactyloides, which had been limited by a combination of sample size and field-nursery contamination. All plants are being maintained at Ball State in a non-flowering, vegetative growth stage to avoid these problems and allow for a continuing supply of F2 tissue for research. Currently, the only source of the paternal plant material of this F2 is housed at Ball State University. The primary focus of this project will be to derive a cross-genera marker genetic map of the warm season perennial forage grass Tripsacum dactyloides, a relative of modern maize as a genetic resource for crop improvement in the Gramineae. The map will combine data from three sets of markers: 1) the TDA markers (derived from genomic DNA of Tripsacum dactyloides) developed by the PI while at the Univ. of Missouri; 2) the UMC RFLP maize bin markers; and 3) the Cornell Anchor marker set, which includes markers from several genera of the Gramineae. A broad-based marker map in Tripsacum, as a member of the Gramineae, utilizing a combination of species-derived and cross-specific markers will provide an enhanced basis for trait specific investigations, such as apomixis and seed shattering. The mapping population will eventually consist of 120 - 150 F2 individuals from the parental cross WW1673 x WW1760, and is known to segregate for the distinct recessive floral genotype gynomonoecious sex form-1(a known homolog to the floral gene ts2, in Zea mays, Li et al. PNAS 1997). The mapping individuals are a subset of a population currently under evaluation by the USDA for quantitative trait analyses of seed shattering and forage quality. |