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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Wenatchee, Washington » Physiology and Pathology of Tree Fruits Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #154158


item Drake, Stephen

Submitted to: HortTechnology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/15/2003
Publication Date: 1/15/2004
Citation: Drake, S.R., Mielke, E.A., Elfving, D.C. 2004. Maturity and storage quality of 'concorde' pears. HortTechnology. 14:250-256.

Interpretive Summary: 'Concorde' pears have become a commercial reality in recent years,particularly in the Pacific Northwest. Initial studies suggest that 'Concorde' pears may be sensitive to carbon dioxide, ethylene and low boron induced physiological disorder. Addionally, some samples of 'Concorde' pears stored for short periods of time develop astringency. If production of this cultivar is to continue and increase, information concerning maturity and storage potential must be determined. 'Concorde' pears can be harvested over a period of 14 days with no quality loss and be good candidates for either regular or controlled atmopshere storage. A delay in harvest of 14 days resulted in a one box size increase. Regardless of harvest date, 'Concorde' pears can be stored in regular atmosphere for periods not to exceed 90 days. Early harvest should be considered when regular atmosphere storage is expected to exceed 90 days; however astringency may develop. Regardless of harvest date, 'Concorde' pears can be stored for 180 days in controlled atmosphere with no quality loss, particularly if the atmosphere is maintained at 1.5% oxygen and 1.0% carbon dioxide. Internal breakdown can be a problem in controlled atmosphere if the carbon dioxide exceeds 1.0%. Low oxygen (<1.5%) is not recommended for controlled atmosphere storage of 'Concorde' pears.

Technical Abstract: 'Concorde' pears from three plantings were used in this study. Pears were harvested at multiple maturities stored in regular (RA) and controlled atmosphere (CA) storage and quality evaluated. 'Concorde' pears can be harvested over a period of time (14 days) with no quality loss and be good candidates for either RA or CA storage. A delay in harvest (14 days) resulted in a one box size increase. Regardless of harvest, 'Concorde' pears can be stored in RA for periods not to exceed 90 days. RA storage beyond 90 days resulted in reduced finish, pedicel condition and enhanced internal breakdown. Early harvest should be considered when RA storage is expected to exceed 90 days; however astringency may develop. Regardless of harvest, 'Concorde' pears can be stored for 180 days in CA with no quality loss, particularly if the CA is maintained at 1.5% O2 and 1.0% CO2. Internal breakdown can be a problem in CA if the CO2 exceeds 1.0%. Low O2 (<1.5%) CA is not recommended for 'Concorde' pears.