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item Pfeiffer, Timothy

Submitted to: International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference and Workshop Book of Abstracts
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/30/2003
Publication Date: 10/9/2003
Citation: Pfeiffer, T.J. 2003. Developing sustainable marine aquaculture systems. [abstract] International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference and Workshop Book of Abstracts. v.1. p.20.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The Sustainable Marine Aquaculture Technology project is a collaborative research program with scientists from the USDA Agricultural Research Service, the Aquaculture Division of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, and Florida State University. Research is being conducted at two sites: at the Harbor Branch Aquaculture Development Park in Fort Pierce, FL and at the Florida State University Marine Laboratory in Sopchoppy, FL. The engineering research effort to develop sustainable systems for the commercial marine finfish aquaculture industry includes evaluating current technology for energy efficiency, cost effectiveness, and waste management. Florida State University research scientists and engineers are evaluating methods to thermally control culture water with solar technology. An indirect pump solar system with 35 m2 of solar collector area was designed to assist in reducing the costs of maintaining optimal year-round production temperatures for a 8500 L recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) in a 130m2 air inflated greenhouse. A second similar greenhouse 8500 L RAS is utilizing a conventional two horsepower heat pump for water temperature control. Data is being collected to develop energy models for both systems and to determine whether solar technology is a cost-effective alternative for maintaining optimal year round production temperatures in a recirculating system. USDA and Harbor Branch research scientists and engineers are constructing two different 4-tank RAS designs, each replicated four times, with a total system volume of approximately 42,000 L. The eight systems are under construction in a covered Quonset-hut style facility (9850 m2) with each system consisting of a swirl separator for each tank, a rotating microscreen drum filter (60 microns), biofilter (propwash floating bead filter or moving floating beadbed reactor), sump, oxygenation cone, and UV sterilizer. Energy and water consumption, water quality including pH, oxygen, and temperature, solids and ammonia removal, CO2 and nitrate buildup will be monitored to evaluate system components for developing reliable and feasible technology for the marine aquaculture industry.