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item Bancroft, Jay
item Smith, Michael

Submitted to: Ecological Entomology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/15/2005
Publication Date: 8/15/2005
Citation: Bancroft, J.S., Smith, M.T. 2005. Dispersal and influences on movement for anoplophora glabripennis calculated from individual mark-recapture. Ecological Entomology. 116:83-92.

Interpretive Summary: The Asian longhorned beetle is an invasive insect and has been introduced from Asia to Europe and North America. Eradication efforts may benefit from knowledge of dispersal behavior. We conducted a capture-recapture experiment on the beetle. The results show that most beetles do not fly more than 40 meters per day. A mathematical model suggested that the population will spread on the order of 100 meters per year. A beetle's propensity to leave a tree and distance of flight showed an increasing response to beetle density, weather conditions, beetle size, and tree size, in that order. Although this research was conducted in China, the results will be useful to other scientists and to pest control practitioners attempting to manage this devastating pest.

Technical Abstract: Anoplophora glabripennis Motchulsky is an invsasive cerambycid. We uniquely marked 912 beetles and released them into a group of 165 trees in Gansu, China. Subsequent sighting of beetles were used in truncated diffusion model to calculate the flight distance. Characteristics of the trees and climatic information were used in statistical tests for influence on movement. A total 2245 sightings of beetles were observed and 41% of marked beetles were resighted. In addition, trees were cut and held to determine emergence rate of A. glabripennis. The seasonal emergence rate of adults declined exponentially. The results suggested A. glabripennis fly to nearby host-trees at a rate of 34% per day. Median flight distance was of 20m per day. Statistical analysis with a general linearized model tested the beetle's propensity to leave a tree and distance of flight. Generally, beetle movement showed a significant and strong response to beetle density, weather conditions, beetle size, and tree size, in that order. The techniques developed here improve on previous recapture techniques to quantify demographics, and can be useful for sampling other organisms.