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item Green, Bartholomew

Submitted to: Aquaculture Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/8/2004
Publication Date: 1/16/2004
Citation: Green, B.W. 2004. Growing marine shrimp in earthen ponds in Arkansas. Arkansas Aquaculture 2004 Book of Abstracts: 10. Catfish Farmers of Arkansas and Arkansas Bait and Ornamental Fish Growers Association, Hot Springs, AR.

Interpretive Summary: Summary not required.

Technical Abstract: Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is being grown in inland ponds in the southern United States that are filled with low-salinity ground water. The objectives of this experiment were to determine if L. vannamei could be produced successfully in amended freshwater and if two crops per season were possible by stocking ponds with PL25 shrimp. Six 0.25-acre earthen ponds were filled with freshwater. Salinity was increased to 0.7 ' 1.0 ppt through addition of salt and potassium fertilizer. Three ponds were stocked with PL15 (155,000/acre) and grown for 125 days. The other three ponds were stocked PL25 shrimp (91,000/acre) and grown for 55 days. These ponds were re-stocked with PL25 shrimp (110,000/acre) and grown for 65 days. Shrimp in all ponds were fed a 35% crude protein feed, 7 d/wk. Pacific white shrimp survived and grew well in freshwater amended with salt and fertilizer to a final salinity of 0.7-1.0 ppt. Survival of PL15 shrimp averaged 47% during the 125-day grow out. Gross yield averaged 3,078 lb/acre of whole shrimp with a mean individual weight of 19.3 g/shrimp. Survival of PL25 shrimp averaged 75% and 98% during the 55- and 65-day grow out periods, respectively. Gross yield averaged 871 lb/acre with a mean individual weight of 5.5 g/shrimp during the 55-day grow out. Mean gross yield was 2,198 lb/acre with a mean individual weight of 9.0 g/shrimp during the 65-day grow out. Total gross yield was 3,069 lb/acre where PL25 shrimp were stocked compared to 3,078 lb/acre where PL15 shrimp were stocked. While production of two crops was feasible during the May-September growing season, mean shrimp size was 62% smaller than shrimp grown in a single 125-day crop.