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item Rossman, Amy
item Aime, Mary
item Castlebury, Lisa
item Farr, David

Submitted to: Inoculum
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/15/2004
Publication Date: 6/30/2004
Citation: Rossman, A.Y., Aime, M.C., Castlebury, L.A., Farr, D.F. Revealing undiscovered lineages in the ascomycetes. Inoculum. Vol.55 p.33,2004.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: With the increased use of molecular tools to study biological diversity, ecologists are demonstrating the ubiquitous presence of diverse fungi in terrestrial habitats. Assuming that most described fungi are already in GenBank, these lineages were interpreted as new to science. Recent systematic studies have revealed 'new' lineages for fungal species that are well known, named and described. Examples of newly discovered lineages of Ascomycetes will be presented. The well-known coelomycetous fungi Chaetomella raphigera and Pilidium concavum with related species represent a new lineage allied with the Leotioales. Stachybotrys chartarum, the notorious indoor air fungus known as black mold, and other species of Stachybotrys were determined to be closely related to Myrothecium and the obscure tropical fungus Didymostilbe echinostriata. These fungi represent a new lineage in the well-studied Hypocreales. Within the loculoascomycetes, among several primarily tropical families such as Micropeltidaceae, Microthyriaceae, Parmulariaceae, Saccardiaceae and Schizothyriaceae none of the species have been sequenced. The common reed grass, Phragmites australis, harbors a new genus in the Schizothyriaceae that is rather widespread in North America. With so many families missing, GenBank does not provide any help in placing this fungus. Within the Diaporthales a newly discovered lineage has been revealed for a hodge-podge of species previously placed in other genera. Given the number of fungi yet to be studied using both molecular and morphological approaches, it is premature to assume that sequences of fungi that do not have a match in GenBank represent undescribed lineages.