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Follett, Peter |
Submitted to: IAEA/FAO Final Research Coordination Meeting on Irradiation as a Phytosanitary Treatment for Food and Agricultural Comodities Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 8/15/2003 Publication Date: 11/20/2004 Citation: Follett, P.A. 2004. Irradiation quarantine treatments for mango seed weevil and cryptophlebia spp.. IAEA/FAO Final Research Coordination Meeting on Irradiation as a Phytosanitary Treatment for Food and Agricultural Comodities Proceedings, Vienna, IAEA-Techdoc 1427. Interpretive Summary: Abstract only.
Technical Abstract: Irradiation was explored as a method to prevent adult emergence in, or to sterilize, mango seed weevil. Mixed-age mango seed weevils in mangoes were irradiated with target doses of 50, 100, or 300 Gy and held for adult emergence. The 300 Gy treatment (dose range 180-310 Gy) did not prevent adult emergence. Emerging adults from the 100 and 300 Gy treatments were lethargic and short-lived, and laid no eggs indicating sterility. An irradiation quarantine treatment (300 Gy) to sterilize mango seed weevil in mangoes has been approved, and an irradiation treatment for control of mango seed weevil and fruit flies in mangoes has been proposed. Approval of this treatment will open U.S. mainland markets to mango exports from Hawaii.
Studies were undertaken to determine whether irradiation treatment at 250 Gy, an accepted treatment for disinfestation of fruit flies in spindaceous fruits from Hawaii, would also disinfest fruit of two species of Cryptophlebia. Cryptophlebia illepida (Butler) was determined to be more tolerant of irradiation than Cryptophlebia ombrodelta (Lower), and so C. illepida was the focus for detailed tests. Using the criterion of success in developing to the adult stage, the pattern of tolerance to irradiation in C. illepida was generally eggs |