Submitted to: American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 9/24/2004 Publication Date: 10/2/2004 Citation: Moshfegh, A. 2004. What's important in conducting a dietary interview: Lessons learned from What We Eat in America [abstract]. American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo Education Session Handouts Book, p. T1. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: The National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act of 1990 (PL 101-445) requires the Federal Government to monitor the diets of Americans to assess food and nutrient intakes. Data from national dietary surveys are widely cited and relied on for human nutrition and food safety policy development, for program evaluation, and for research. With the significant public policy applications of these data, the need for high quality and accurate data that utilizes the latest technology advancements in collection is paramount. Assuring that individuals accurately remember and describe the foods and amounts is a significant challenge. USDA has developed a computerized dietary interview instrument, the Automated Multiple Pass Method (AMPM), based on dietary data collection experience and methodological research. The AMPM is used for collection of the dietary intake component of What We Eat in America - NHANES. The AMPM provides multiple recall strategies and memory cues within its structure of 5 steps that progress in logical order. The instrument includes more than 2,400 questions about specific food attributes and 21,000 response choices to encompass the large number and diversity of foods available for consumption. This presentation will provide a description of the AMPM and the Food Model Booklet, a portion size estimation aid developed for use with the AMPM. Guiding principles used in the design of the AMPM to enhance accuracy and reduce respondent burden will be highlighted through discussion of the instrument's features. This presentation of lessons learned from methodology research and application of the AMPM will benefit nutrition researchers and others conducting dietary interviews and studying dietary intakes. |