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item Stommel, John
item Abbott, Judith
item Saftner, Robert

Submitted to: Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/4/2005
Publication Date: 8/1/2005
Citation: Stommel, J.R., Abbott, J.A. Saftner, R.A. 2005. USDA 02L1058 and 02L1059: Cherry tomato breeding lines with high fruit beta-carotene content. HortScience 40:1569-1570.

Interpretive Summary: Scientists at the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture have developed two new tomato breeding lines, designated 02L1058 and 02L1059, which are intended for use as breeding material in the development of new cherry tomato varieties. These lines produce with fruit high beta-carotene content. High beta-carotene content results in orange-pigmented fruit. Tomato fruit with high beta-carotene content are suitable for specialty applications where additional variety or flavor is desired. They also provide a rich dietary source of vitamin A. Evaluation of fruit quality attributes including sugar content, acidity, and aroma compounds demonstrated comparable quality of these breeding lines in comparison to related commercial red-fruited cherry tomato varieties. These breeding lines will be utilized by public and private plant breeders for the development of new cherry tomato varieties. Small samples of seed are available for professional trial and breeding purposes upon written request to John Stommel, USDA, ARS, Vegetable Laboratory, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705.

Technical Abstract: USDA, ARS announces the release of two new cherry tomato breeding lines designated 02L1058 and 02L1059. These lines produce fruit with high beta-carotene content and are intended for use as breeding material in the development of new cherry tomato specialty cultivars. These lines were developed from a cross between the Lycopersicon esculentum cultivar Floradade and the high beta-carotene donor parent L. cheesmanii f. minor LA317. The interspecific hybrid was sequentially backcrossed to Floradade and Spectrum 579. Lines 02L1058 and 02L1059 are F7 selections from a subsequent backcross to the NCSU breeding line NC1C. Lines 02L1058 and 02L1059 have a compact determinate (sp gene) growth habit and concentrated fruit set. Fruit contain two to three locules, ripen uniformly (u gene) and have jointless pedicels (j-2 gene). Fruit maturity of 02L1058 and 02L1059 is approximately seven days later than Mountain Belle. Lines 02L1058 and 02L1059 are homozygous BB MoB MoB. Beta-carotene content averaged 46.5 and 41.8 g/g tissue fresh weight in 02L1058 and 02L1059 (94.6% of total colored carotenoids), respectively. Average fruit soluble solids content of 02L1058 and 02L1059 was 10.5% and 25.0% higher than Mountain Belle and Castlette, respectively. Total sugar content and relative sweetness scores were 39.5% greater than Castlette and equivalent to Mountain Belle. Titratable acidity of 02L1058 and 02L1059 fruit was 19.5% higher, relative to Mountain Belle and comparable to Castlette. Sugar:acid ratios of 02L1058 and 02L1059 were intermediate to Mountain Belle and Castlette. Total volatile levels did not differ among genotypes although several individual volatiles differed significantly in high beta-carotene genotypes vs. lycopene-rich cultivars.