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item Mastovska, Katerina

Submitted to: Academic Press
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/15/2005
Publication Date: 10/1/2005
Citation: Mastovska, K. 2005. Food and nutritional analysis: pesticide residues. Academic Press.Encyclopedia of Analytical Science. (3):251-260

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The presented article reviews current analytical strategies and trends in analysis of pesticide residues in foods. In a large majority of cases, multiresidue methods (MRMs), capable of simultaneously determining more than one residue in a single analysis, usually provide the most efficient approach to pesticide residue analysis. In practice, MRMs consist of sample preparation followed by determination of residues. The sample preparation step usually involves (i) sample homogenization, (ii) isolation of residues from a representative sample (extraction), and (iii) separation of residues from co-extracted matrix components that interfere in the determinative step (clean-up). The determinative step comprises analyte identification and quantification, which is ideally carried out by a technique elucidating analyte structure, such as gas or liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Each analytical step is discussed in terms of its importance in the overall process, challenges in particular applications and applied and applicable analytical techniques. The article provides basic principles of the discussed techniques and critically examines their potentials and limitations in the analysis of pesticide residues in various food matrices.