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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Stoneville, Mississippi » Cotton Ginning Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #185468


item Anthony, William

Submitted to: The Australian Cottongrower
Publication Type: Popular Publication
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/19/2005
Publication Date: 10/1/2005
Citation: Anthony, W.S. 2005. Ginning technology: The next frontier. The Australian Cottongrower. October-November 2005: Vol. 26(6): 48-52

Interpretive Summary: Interpretive Summary not required - previously published.

Technical Abstract: Worldwide production of cotton 100 million bales in and the United States produces over 23 million. Only the United States, Australia and Israel are completely mechanized. Most of the cotton elsewhere in the world is hand harvested and processed with minimal equipment at the gin. The machinery used worldwide varies from very austere to very extensive. The recent increase in cotton exported by the United States from 6 to 14 million bales also presents a problem for cotton gins as they struggle to meet different customer needs. Foreign markets generally require a higher quality of cotton than domestic markets. In order to meet demands of the foreign market, farmers must carefully select those cotton varieties capable of meeting those demands, and gins must use all available technology as well as emerging technologies to ensure that market demands are met. Computerized gin process control systems such as IntelliGin and prescription lint cleaning available as LouverMax are critical components for meeting both foreign and domestic requirements while ensuring adequate monetary returns for the farmer. New lint cleaning technologies to reduce fiber loss and improve fiber quality are rapidly emerging. Research by public and private entities to develop the technologies to maintain a competitive advantage for cotton in the global marketplace.