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Title: Color, cooking loss, and textural properties of patties as affected by catfish belly flap mince size and cooking method

item Kim, Jin
item Green, Bartholomew

Submitted to: Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/30/2006
Publication Date: 6/14/2007
Citation: Kim, J.M., Green, B.W. 2007. Color, cooking loss, and textural properties of patties as affected by catfish belly flap mince size and cooking method. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 16:19-33.

Interpretive Summary: The belly flap is removed from the channel catfish fillet as it is hand-trimmed during processing to yield a shank fillet, which is the most-commonly marketed form of catfish fillet. Belly flap meat is a low-valued product relative to shank fillets, and adding value to belly flap meat should increase product utilization and profitability of processing. Therefore, this study investigated the feasibility of making a catfish patty from belly flap meat. Catfish patties were made from fresh belly flap meat that had been ground to one of four particle sizes that ranged from coarse to fine. Patties then were baked or sealed in a plastic bag and cooked in hot water. Oven-baked patties lost more moisture during cooking than those cooked in hot water. Patty moisture loss during cooking increased as the meat particle size increased. Textural properties of the catfish patties were affected by the meat particle size and cooking method. Cooked patties made from finely ground belly flap meat were easier to bite through than patties made from coarsely ground meat. But, patties became harder and tougher as the meat particle size went from coarse to fine. Oven-baked patties were harder and tougher than patties cooked in hot water. The results of this experiment will guide further development of a food product that consumers will find desirable to consume. Successful development of a catfish patty will allow catfish processors to add value to a low-value product, thereby product utilization and profitability, and consumers will have access to nutritious, fish product.

Technical Abstract: Patties were prepared with different sizes of channel catfish belly flap mince. Belly flap meat was minced using four different sizes of openings of plate, mixed with salt, formed, and cooked by two methods, in water and oven. Results indicated no differences (p > 0.05) in Kramer break force in the patties cooked by different methods for the same size of mince. As the size of meat particles for patties decreased, hardness and gumminess increased, and color differed from fillet, but Kramer shear break force as well as percent cooking loss decreased (p < 0.05). Patties cooked in an oven showed greater color difference from fillet, percent cooking loss, hardness, and gumminess than those cooked in water for the same size of meat particles (P < 0.05).