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item Biresaw, Girma
item Shogren, Randal

Submitted to: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/6/2007
Publication Date: 5/6/2007
Citation: Biresaw, G., Shogren, R.L. 2007. Tribological properties of chemically modified starch [abstract]. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. p. 144.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Starch is one of the most abundantly available plant-based biopolymer. It is a major component of such high volume commodity crops as corn, potato, and rice. Starch is a highly crystalline, high molecular weight poly(glucose) biopolymer. Starch is insoluble in water in its native state. Various physical and chemical methods are employed to modify the structure of starch and improve its solubility in water. One method of chemical modification of starch involves the grafting of acyl groups onto the hydroxyl functional groups of its glucose units. By varying the molecular weight and structure of the acyl group grafted onto the starch, modified starch of varying water solubility can be obtained. In this work, recent investigations into the tribological properties of starch chemically modified by grafting with a variety of acyl groups will be discussed.