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Title: Pecan Rootstocks

item Grauke, Larry

Submitted to: Texas Pecan Growers Association
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/3/2006
Publication Date: 1/31/2007
Citation: Grauke, L.J. 2007. Pecan Rootstocks. In: Stein, L.J., McEachern, G.R., editors. Texas Pecan Handbook. Volume 1. College Station, TX: Texas Cooperative Extension/Horticulture. p. 49-51.

Interpretive Summary: This paper provides information needed by nurserymen to aid in selecting seed stocks to produce seedlings with maximum vigor and uniformity. This will enable them to graft in the shortest time for the highest profit. The most vigorous seedlings come from southern sources and lack hardiness in northern areas. The seed stock selected by a nurseryman should influence the deployment of grafted trees from the nursery. Seedling rootstocks also influence growth and nutrient uptake over the life of the orchard. This paper provides information to pecan growers concerning aspects of rootstock adaptation that may influence the performance of grafted trees, making it important to know the rootstock used. General recommendations are made to guide nurserymen and pecan growers in selecting appropriate materials for their applications.

Technical Abstract: The performance of pecan trees is greatly influenced by the seed planted to produce the tree. If the seedlings are left ungrafted, the influence of the seed stock can be seen in their level of disease, in their patterns of seasonal growth (that influences climatic adaptation), and in the quality of the nuts they produce. If the trees are grafted with improved cultivars, the seed stock influences patterns of growth and nutrient uptake in the grafted top. For the nurseryman, selection of the proper seed stock is necessary to insure maximum germination and vigorous growth of uniform seedlings for grafting in the shortest period. The commercial pecan nursery industry currently relies on open-pollinated seed for the production of rootstocks. Seed stocks commonly used by Texas nurserymen are reviewed in relation to their historic origins and general characteristics as rootstocks. A map is provided showing recommended areas for utilization.